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Lib Dems Key Issues

The problem the Lib Dems have got is they have lost all trust with young people, the young people who actually give them quite a big surge before the last general election in 2010. So with a leader who goes back on his word, they simply have no value to a majority of young people who are interested in politics and a democratic one. What does this mean? They have to change leader just like Labour need too to get people back on side because the public do actually believe in their philosophy and are too disillusioned, so they seek comfort elsewhere. This party needs reform and they need to get rid of their leader to start fresh, its that simple. 

  1. The Liberal Democrats are working to build a stronger economy in a fairer society, enabling everyone to get on in life.
  2. We believe people should be able to take charge of their lives and fulfil their potential in a free, fair and open society.
  3. But to achieve this we need to create both sustainable growth and equality of opportunity, and so anchor Britain in the liberal centre ground between the extremes of left and right.
  4. That's what we are working in the Coalition Government to achieve and that is what we will continue to campaign for at the next General Election.
Find out more about what we are doing: 
Jobs & Growth 
1 million new jobs 
An £800 tax cut 
Education & Children 
£2.5 billion extra for schools 
Cost of Living 
Easing the squeeze 
200,000 new green jobs 
Older People 
Biggest ever pension increase 
Welfare & Unemployment 
Providing fair opportunities 
Better care for all 
Freedom & Equalities 
Delivered Equal Marriage 
Crime lower than ever 
A firm but fair system 
Britain in the World 
Helping the world's poorest 
